Kyoto Animation
Learn Japanese N4 and N3 Vocabulary with "Tutti!" from "Sound! Euphonium"
Let's study Japanese with "Tutti!" from Sound! Euphonium. Can you play any musical instruments? A Gu ...
Learn Japanese N5 and N4 Vocabulary with 'Fuwa Fuwa Time' from 'K-ON!'
Let's study N5 and N4 level Japanese with the song 'Fuwa Fuwa Time' from 'K-ON!'. A Guide to the Jap ...
Learn Japanese Vocabulary with "Soundscape" from "Sound! Euphonium 2"
Let's study Japanese with "Soundscape" from Sound! Euphonium. Can you play any musical instruments? ...
Learn Japanese Vocabulary with "Motteke Sailor Fuku" from "Lucky Star"
Let's study Japanese with "Motteke Sailor Fuku" from Lucky Star. Please listen without worrying too ...
Learn Japanese N4 and N3 Vocabulary with "Dream Solister" from "Sound! Euphonium"
Let's study Japanese with "Dream Solister" from Sound! Euphonium. Can you play any musical instrumen ...
Learn Japanese N4 and N3 Vocabulary with "Yasashisa no Riyū" from "Hyouka"
Let's study Japanese with "Yasashisa no Riyū" from Hyouka. The artwork is so beautiful that it's mes ...
Learn Japanese N5 and N4 Vocabulary with "Toki o Kizamu Uta" from "CLANNAD AFTER STORY"
Let's study Japanese with "Toki o Kizamu Uta" from CLANNAD AFTER STORY. It's a series that makes you ...
Learn Japanese Vocabulary with "Sparkling Daydream" from "Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions"
Let's study Japanese with "Sparkling Daydream" from Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! This kind ...
Learn Japanese N5 Vocabulary with 'GO! GO! MANIAC' from 'K-ON!'.
Let's study N4 level Japanese with the song 'GO! GO! MANIAC' from 'K-ON!'. A Guide to the Japanese A ...
Learn Japanese N4 and N3 Vocabulary with "Hyadain no Kakakata Kataomoi" from Nichijou
Let's study Japanese with "Hyadain no Joujou Yuujou" from Nichijou. Can you believe one guy sings bo ...