
Learn Japanese N5 and N4 Vocabulary with "adrenaline!!!" from "Eromanga Sensei"


Let's Study Basic Japanese with TrySail's 'adrenaline!!!' – A Lively Tune to Boost Your Spirits!

A Guide to the Japanese Anime Song "adrenaline!!!" from "Eromanga Sensei"

"Eromanga Sensei" is a Japanese light novel by Tsukasa Fushimi, blending elements of a heartwarming family drama about coaxing a shut-in sister out of her room and a romantic comedy centered around dreams of becoming a writer and illustrator.

The song 'adrenaline!!!' serves as the ending theme for the anime. With its catchy chorus and lively energy, it's a track that's bound to get you excited and uplifted!

The Japanese Lyrics of "adrenaline!!!" from "Eromanga Sensei"

単純な言葉 重ねてゆく もっと 心は素直で なんでもないような その笑顔が 明日を照らす光に

Tanjun na kotoba kasanete yuku motto kokoro wa sunao de nandemonai youna sono egao ga asu o terasu hikari ni

ずっと気づいていたんだって この手に抱えていたんだって 弾けた 声に 流した 答えが 今 そっと きっと 願いこめた

zutto kizuite ita ndatte kono te ni kakaete ita ndatte hajiketa koe ni nagashita kotae ga ima sotto kitto negai kometa

ずっと まわる まわる 夢の中で 繰り返し 君と踊った 揺れる景色 道は続く 通り過ぎる風にふかれ

zutto mawaru mawaru yume no naka de kurikaeshi kimi to odotta yureru keshiki (yeah!) michi wa tsuzuku (yeah!) tourisugiru kaze ni fukare

何度も 越えて行けるから 境界線 雲かき分け 手を伸ばした 涙は今 浮かぶ空に預けて 走り出すの 並んで 見つけた 輝く光を手に

nandomo koete ikeru kara kyoukai sen kumo kakiwake te o nobashita namida wa ima (yeah!) ukabu sora ni azukete hashiridasu no narande mitsuketa kagayaku hikari o te ni

問題はいつも自分次第 さぁ 未来を選んで こんがらがった糸ほどいたら 思いのまま 進もう

mondai wa itsumo jibun shidai saa mirai o erande kongaragatta ito hodo itara omoi no mama susumou 

毎日冒険なんだって 奇跡は無限大なんだって 高鳴る 想い 羅針盤のように 今 そっと きっと 導いてく

mainichi bouken na ndatte kiseki wa mugendai na ndatte takanaru omoi rashinban no youni ima sotto kitto michibiiteku

そうだ!めぐる めぐる 波に乗っかって 風まかせ 君と笑った 予想外は 想定内 間違いや 失敗も楽しんで

souda! meguru meguru nami ni nokkatte kaze makase kimi to waratta yosougai wa (yeah!) souteinai (yeah!) machigai ya shippai mo tanoshinde

一歩 踏み出したら見えた 可能性 行き止まりの壁壊して まだ知らない 世界 君と一緒なら 怖くないよ わくわくしている 今が一番大好き

ippo fumidashitara mieta kanousei yukidomari no kabe kowashite mada shiranai (yeah!) sekai kimi to issho nara kowakunai yo wakuwaku shite iru ima ga ichiban daisuki

ゆっくり(ゆっくり)焦んない(焦んない)自分の(自分の)歩幅で行こう 大丈夫(大丈夫)心配ない(心配ない) 描いたもの全部叶えるよ 

yukkuri (yukkuri) asennai (asennai) jibun no (jibun no) hohaba de ikou daijoubu (daijoubu) shinpai nai (shinpai nai) egaita mono zenbu kanaeru yo

ずっと まわる まわる 夢の中で 繰り返し君と踊った いつか君と約束した願いの架け橋を渡って

zutto mawaru mawaru yume no naka de kurikaeshi kimi to odotta itsuka kimi to yakusoku shita negai no kakehashi o watatte 

何度も 越えて行けるから 境界線 雲かき分け 手を伸ばした 涙は今 浮かぶ空に預けて 走り出すの 並んで 見つけた 輝く光を手に わくわくしている 今が一番大好き

nandomo koete ikeru kara kyoukai sen kumo kakiwake te o nobashita namida wa ima (yeah!) ukabu sora ni azukete hashiridasu no narande mitsuketa kagayaku hikari o te ni wakuwaku shite iru ima ga ichiban daisuki

The English Translation of "adrenaline!!!" from "Eromanga Sensei"

Layering simple words, my heart becomes more sincere. Your seemingly ordinary smile is the light that illuminates tomorrow.

I've always noticed it, and I've always held it in these hands. The answer, expressed in a bursting voice, is now gently and surely filled with wishes.

Always spinning, spinning in the dream, repeatedly dancing with you. The swaying scenery, the road continues, touched by the passing wind.

Because we can overcome it many times, breaking through boundaries, parting the clouds, I reached out my hand. Tears are now entrusted to the floating sky, and I start to run, side by side, finding the shining light in my hands.

The problem always depends on oneself. Now, choose the future, and if you untangle the tangled threads, let's move forward as we wish.

Every day is an adventure, miracles are infinite. The pulsating feelings, like a compass, now gently and surely guide.

That's right! Riding the turning waves, leaving it to the wind, I laughed with you. Unexpected things are within expectations, enjoying mistakes and failures.

Once I took a step, I saw possibilities. Breaking through dead ends, in a world I don't know yet, with you, I'm not afraid. I'm excited; now is my favorite time.

Slowly, without rushing, let's go at our own pace. It's okay, no need to worry. I'll make everything I've imagined come true.

Always spinning, spinning in the dream, repeatedly dancing with you. Crossing the bridge of wishes we promised someday.

Because we can overcome it many times, breaking through boundaries, parting the clouds, I reached out my hand. Tears are now entrusted to the floating sky, and I start to run, side by side, finding the shining light in my hands. I'm excited; now is my favorite time.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Japanese N5 and N4 Vocabulary with "adrenaline!!!" from "Eromanga Sensei"

単純な言葉 重ねてゆく もっと 心は素直で なんでもないような その笑顔が 明日を照らす光に

Layering simple words, my heart becomes more sincere. Your seemingly ordinary smile is the light that illuminates tomorrow.

言葉ことばkotobaword; languagenoun
重ねるかさねるkasaneruto pile up; to layer2 verb
こころkokoroheart; mindnoun
照らすてらすterasuto illuminate1 verb

ずっと気づいていたんだって この手に抱えていたんだって 弾けた 声に 流した 答えが 今 そっと きっと 願いこめた

I've always noticed it, and I've always held it in these hands. The answer, expressed in a bursting voice, is now gently and surely filled with wishes.

気づくきづくkizukuto notice; to realize1 verb
流すながすnagasuto let flow; to release1 verb
お願いおねがいonegairequest; favornoun

ずっと まわる まわる 夢の中で 繰り返し 君と踊った 揺れる景色 道は続く 通り過ぎる風にふかれ

Always spinning, spinning in the dream, repeatedly dancing with you. The swaying scenery, the road continues, touched by the passing wind.

まわるまわるmawaruto turn; to go around1 verb
なかnakainside; middlenoun
繰り返すくりかえすkurikaesuto repeat1 verb
踊るおどるodoruto dance1 verb
景色けしきkeshikiscenery; viewnoun
みちmichiroad; pathnoun
続くつづくtsuzukuto continue1 verb
通るとおるtooruto pass through1 verb
過ぎるすぎるsugiruto pass; to exceed2 verb

何度も 越えて行けるから 境界線 雲かき分け 手を伸ばした 涙は今 浮かぶ空に預けて 走り出すの 並んで 見つけた 輝く光を手に

Because we can overcome it many times, breaking through boundaries, parting the clouds, I reached out my hand. Tears are now entrusted to the floating sky, and I start to run, side by side, finding the shining light in my hands.

何度もなんどもnando momany timesadverb
分けるわけるwakeruto divide2 verb
伸ばすのばすnobasuto stretch1 verb
走るはしるhashiruto run1 verb
並ぶならぶnarabuto line up1 verb
見つけるみつけるmitsukeruto find2 verb
輝くかがやくkagayakuto shine1 verb

Related Word to 何度も

何度もなんどもnando momany times; again and againadverb
何回もなんかいもnankai momany times; again and againadverb

問題はいつも自分次第 さぁ 未来を選んで こんがらがった糸ほどいたら 思いのまま 進もう

The problem always depends on oneself. Now, choose the future, and if you untangle the tangled threads, let's move forward as we wish.

選ぶえらぶerabuto choose1 verb
思うおもうomouto think1 verb
進むすすむsusumuto advance1 verb

毎日冒険なんだって 奇跡は無限大なんだって 高鳴る 想い 羅針盤のように 今 そっと きっと 導いてく

Every day is an adventure, miracles are infinite. The pulsating feelings, like a compass, now gently and surely guide.

毎日まいにちmainichievery daynoun

Related Word to 毎日

毎日まいにちmainichievery daynoun
毎週まいしゅうmaishuuevery weeknoun
毎月まいつきmaitukievery monthnoun
毎年まいとしmaitoshievery yearnoun
毎回まいかいmaikaievery timenoun

そうだ!めぐる めぐる 波に乗っかって 風まかせ 君と笑った 予想外は 想定内 間違いや 失敗も楽しんで

That's right! Riding the turning waves, leaving it to the wind, I laughed with you. Unexpected things are within expectations, enjoying mistakes and failures.

乗るのるnoruto ride1 verb
笑うわらうwarauto laugh1 verb
予想よそうyosouexpectation; anticipationnoun
楽しむたのしむtanoshimuto enjoy1 verb

一歩 踏み出したら見えた 可能性 行き止まりの壁壊して まだ知らない 世界 君と一緒なら 怖くないよ わくわくしている 今が一番大好き

Once I took a step, I saw possibilities. Breaking through dead ends, in a world I don't know yet, with you, I'm not afraid. I'm excited; now is my favorite time.

一歩いっぽippoone stepnoun
踏むふむfumuto step on1 verb
行き止まりいきどまりikidomaridead endnoun
壊すこわすkowasuto break5 verb
まだまだmadastill; yetadverb

ゆっくり(ゆっくり)焦んない(焦んない)自分の(自分の)歩幅で行こう 大丈夫(大丈夫)心配ない(心配ない) 描いたもの全部叶えるよ 

Slowly, without rushing, let's go at our own pace. It's okay, no need to worry. I'll make everything I've imagined come true.

焦るあせるaseruto be in a hurry; to rush1 verb
大丈夫だいじょうぶdaijoubuokay; finena-adj

Related Word to 心配


ずっと まわる まわる 夢の中で 繰り返し君と踊った いつか君と約束した願いの架け橋を渡って

Always spinning, spinning in the dream, repeatedly dancing with you. Crossing the bridge of wishes we promised someday.

渡るわたるwataruto cross1 verb

Related Word to 橋


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