
Learn Japanese N4 and N3 Vocabulary with "Destin Histoire" from "Gosick"

Let's study Japanese with "Destin Histoire" from Gosick. Although it's an older work, the song is still popular, isn't it?

A Guide to the Japanese Anime Song "Destin Histoire" from "Gosick"

Set in 1924, in post-World War I Europe, "Gosick" follows the story of Kazuya Kujo, a Japanese exchange student enrolled in Saint Marguerite Academy, a boarding school for the aristocratic children of the Sauville Kingdom. There, he encounters various mysteries alongside his classmate, the genius girl with beautiful long golden hair, Victorique. Initially bewildered by Victorique's capricious and selfish attitude, Kazuya finds himself drawn to her as he discovers the sadness behind her complex origins and her genuine charm. As Kazuya seeks to rescue her from her troubles, Victorique, in turn, begins to develop feelings for Kazuya's selfless kindness and warmth.

"Destin Historie" was used as the opening theme for the anime.

The Japanese Lyrics of "Destin Histoire" from "Gosick"

ずっと前から決まっていたような 遠い昔から分かってたような 見えない線の上を辿るように 導かれ出逢い 交差する seison
Zutto mae kara kimatte ita you na tooi mukashi kara wakatteta you na mienai sen no ue wo tadoru you ni michibikare deai kousa suru seison

背中合わせの光と影のように 強く引かれる Mystification
Senaka awase no hikari to kage no you ni tsuyoku hikareru Mystification

耳元で囁き 呼ぶ声に振り向けば 気付かぬ内 開かれていたトビラ 少しの偶然と必然を繋ぐように 動き始めた 二つの histoire Ah
Mimimoto de sasayaki yobu koe ni furimukeba kidzukanu uchi hirakarete ita tobira sukoshi no guuzen to hitsuzen wo tsunagu you ni ugoki hajimeta futatsu no histoire Ah

記憶の糸を手繰り寄せるように パズルの隙間を埋めてくように 語り継がれる 運命にも似た 長い道のりの先にある maintenant
Kioku no ito wo taguriyoseru you ni puzzle no sukima wo umeteku you ni kataritsugareru unmei ni mo nita nagai michinori no saki ni aru maintenant

一つ一つの 刹那に刻まれた 揺らぐ事無い Là clef à vérité
Hitotsu hitotsu no setsuna ni kizamareta yuragu koto nai Là clef à vérité

手招きされるように 近付けば見える謎 知らず知らずに 巻き込まれて行く まだ知らない世界 新しくめくる度に 解き明かされる確かな Histoire
Temane sare ru you ni chikazukeba mieru nazo shirazu shirazu ni makikomarete iku mada shiranai sekai atarashiku mekuru tabi ni tokiakashareru tashika na Histoire

いつか見た夢の奥で いつも感じていた Reposer どこか儚く 懐かしい声
Itsuka mita yume no oku de itsumo kanjite ita Reposer dokoka hakanaku natsukashii koe

耳元で囁き 呼ぶ声に振り向けば 気付かぬうち 開かれてたトビラ 少しの偶然と必然を繋ぐように 動き始めた 二つの histoire ずっと果て無く 続いて行く
Mimimoto de sasayaki yobu koe ni furimukeba kidzukanu uchi hirakareta tobira sukoshi no guuzen to hitsuzen wo tsunagu you ni ugoki hajimeta futatsu no histoire zutto hate naku tsuzuite iku

The English Translation of "Destin Histoire" from "Gosick"

It feels like it was decided long ago, as if we've known each other since ancient times, as if tracing along an invisible line, guided to meet and intersect, seison.

Like the light and shadow facing each other's backs, strongly drawn, mystification.

Whispers in my ear, when I turn to the calling voice, without realizing, a door was opened. As if connecting a little chance and necessity, two stories began to move, ah.

Like pulling the threads of memory, like filling in the gaps of a puzzle, reminiscent of fate, now at the end of a long journey, maintenant.

Each moment, carved into the fleeting, unwavering, là clef à vérité.

As if beckoned, mysteries become visible as I approach, unknowingly drawn in, with each new page turned in this yet unknown world, a certain histoire unravels.

In the depths of a dream I once saw, I always felt repose, a faint, nostalgic voice somewhere.

Whispers in my ear, when I turn to the calling voice, without realizing, a door was opened. As if connecting a little chance and necessity, two stories began to move, endlessly continuing.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Japanese N4 and N3 Vocabulary with "Destin Histoire" from "Gosick"

ずっと前から決まっていたような 遠い昔から分かってたような 見えない線の上を辿るように 導かれ出逢い 交差する seison

It feels like it was decided long ago, as if we've known each other since ancient times, as if tracing along an invisible line, guided to meet and intersect, seison.

決まるきまるkimaruto be decided, to be settled1 verb
むかしmukashiold times, ancient timesnoun
見えるみえるmieruto be visible, to be seen2 verb
せんsenline, wirenoun
たどるたどるtadoruto follow, to trace1 verb
導くみちびくmichibikuto guide, to lead1 verb
出会うであうdeauto meet, to encounter1 verb
交差こうさkōsaintersection, crossingnoun

背中合わせの光と影のように 強く引かれる Mystification

Like the light and shadow facing each other's backs, strongly drawn, mystification.

背中せなかsenakaback (of a person)noun
ひかりhikarilight, radiancenoun
引くひくhikuto pull, to draw1 verb

Related Word to 引く

引くひくhikuto pull, to draw1 verb
押すおすosuto push, to press1 verb

耳元で囁き 呼ぶ声に振り向けば 気付かぬ内 開かれていたトビラ 少しの偶然と必然を繋ぐように 動き始めた 二つの histoire Ah

Whispers in my ear, when I turn to the calling voice, without realizing, a door was opened. As if connecting a little chance and necessity, two stories began to move, ah.

呼ぶよぶyobuto call, to summon1 verb
振り向くふりむくfurimukuto turn around, to look back1 verb
気づくきづくkizukuto notice, to realize1 verb
開くひらくhirakuto open1 verb
とびらtobiradoor, gatenoun
偶然ぐうぜんgūzenchance, coincidencenoun
必然ひつぜんhitsuzennecessity, inevitabilitynoun
つなぐつなぐtsunaguto connect, to link1 verb
動くうごくugokuto move1 verb

記憶の糸を手繰り寄せるように パズルの隙間を埋めてくように 語り継がれる 運命にも似た 長い道のりの先にある maintenant

Like pulling the threads of memory, like filling in the gaps of a puzzle, reminiscent of fate, now at the end of a long journey, maintenant.

記憶きおくkiokumemory, recollectionnoun
意図いとitointention, aimnoun
隙間すきまsukimagap, openingnoun
埋めるうめるumeruto bury, to fill in2 verb
語るかたるkataruto talk about, to narrate1 verb
運命うんめいunmeidestiny, fatenoun
煮るにるniruto boil, to cook2 verb
道のりみちのりmichinoridistance, journey, pathnoun

一つ一つの 刹那に刻まれた 揺らぐ事無い Là clef à vérité

Each moment, carved into the fleeting, unwavering, là clef à vérité.

刻むきざむkizamuto carve, to engrave1 verb
揺れるゆれるyureruto shake, to sway2 verb

手招きされるように 近付けば見える謎 知らず知らずに 巻き込まれて行く まだ知らない世界 新しくめくる度に 解き明かされる確かな Histoire

As if beckoned, mysteries become visible as I approach, unknowingly drawn in, with each new page turned in this yet unknown world, a certain histoire unravels.

招くまねくmanekuto invite, to beckon1 verb
近づくちかづくchikazukuto approach, to get closer1 verb
なぞnazomystery, enigmanoun
巻き込むまきこむmakikomuto involve, to drag in1 verb
めくるめくるmekuruto turn over, to flip1 verb
確かたしかtashikacertain, surena-adj

Related Word to 招く

招くまねくmanekuto invite, to beckon1 verb
招待しょうたいshōtaiinvitation, to entertainnoun

いつか見た夢の奥で いつも感じていた Reposer どこか儚く 懐かしい声

In the depths of a dream I once saw, I always felt repose, a faint, nostalgic voice somewhere.

懐かしいなつかしいnatsukashiinostalgic, deari-adj

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