
Learn Japanese Vocabulary with "Dramatic ni Koi Shitai" form "Girlfriend, Girlfriend"


Let's study Japanese with the opening theme of the second season of "Girlfriend, Girlfriend," titled "Dramatic ni Koi Shitai." The Japanese level is quite challenging.

A Guide to the Japanese Anime Song "Dramatic ni Koi Shitai" form "Girlfriend, Girlfriend"

"Girlfriend, Girlfriend" by Hiroyuki is a Japanese manga that follows the story of Naoya Mukai, who, upon becoming a high school student, confesses to his long-time crush and childhood friend, Saki Saki. She accepts, and they enter into a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. However, things take a turn when another girl, Nagisa Minase, who had silently harbored feelings for Naoya, confesses to him as well. Initially considering rejecting Nagisa due to his relationship with Saki, Naoya is swayed by Nagisa's charm and sincerity. After much deliberation, the three agree to enter into a complicated romantic relationship and propose living together in Naoya's parents' absent home.

Since the series has concluded, I highly recommend reading the manga to explore the complete story. Let's delve into the intricacies of the Japanese language in the opening theme, "Dramatic ni Koi Shitai," from the anticipated second season of "Girlfriend, Girlfriend."

The Japanese Lyrics of "Dramatic ni Koi Shitai" form "Girlfriend, Girlfriend"

Are you ready to fall in fall in love with me? I wanna let you know when I have a crush on you you! You you you!

キュンな展開は乙女の願いだ! 憧れじゃだめ? 刺激足りない!ない! 世界を癒す 恋のビーム 愛されたいし愛したいの
A heart-fluttering development is a maiden's wish! Isn't longing enough? Not enough stimulation! No, no! I want to heal the world with the beam of love. I want to be loved and to love.

曖昧な衝動 会いたい!君はどう? 視線をキャッチして 未来予想図 大体君といる 夢が膨らむ
Vague impulses, I want to meet you! How about you? Catching each other's gazes, predicting the future. Roughly being with you, dreams expand.

隠してた想いがあたし飛び越えて ふたりきりうるさい心臓 鈍感な君はまだ気づかないまま
The feelings I've hidden jump over, and we're alone with our noisy hearts. You, who are oblivious, still haven't noticed.

分かってる 視線の先はあたしじゃないこと それでも願ってしまう 君とのラブストーリー
I know, what's ahead of your gaze isn't me. Even so, I find myself wishing for a love story with you.

ドラマチックに恋したい ロマンチックに愛したい 本気であたしを攫ってみせて fall in love with you 回り回って選んでね ハッピーエンドで笑わせて 君と見たい景色があるの 君の隣はあたしがいいの 覚えておいて?
Dramatically, I want to fall in love. Romantically, I want to love. Seriously, capture me and show me, fall in love with you. Go around and choose, make me laugh with a happy ending. There's a scenery I want to see with you. I want to be by your side. Remember that?

さながらハンター! 作戦会議でburn out! 宿敵キューティーガール (ューティーガール) やっぱり勝てない きっぱり諦めないと傷つくだけと
Dramatically, I want to fall in love. Romantically, I want to love. Seriously, capture me and show me, fall in love with you. Go around and choose, make me laugh with a happy ending. There's a scenery I want to see with you. I want to be by your side. Remember that?

わかってる 素直になれない 君と目が合うと それでも自分に嘘はつきたくないから
I know, I can't be honest. When our eyes meet, even so, I don't want to lie to myself.

I wanna change... I wanna be only only your heroine I CAN! 声に出さなきゃ I DO! 言葉にしなきゃ クヨクヨしてないでほら あたし、君が
I wanna change... I wanna be only, only your heroine. I can! If I don't say it out loud, I do! If I don't put it into words, don't worry, look, I, you are...

ドラマチックに恋したい ロマンチックに愛したい 本気であたしを攫ってみせて fall in love with you 回り回って選んでね ハッピーエンドで笑わせて  君の隣はあたしがいいの 君の隣はあたしがいいの 覚えておいて? 秘密の愛言葉を交わそう 刺激的な毎日でどうぞ My sweet darling!
Dramatically, I want to fall in love. Romantically, I want to love. Seriously, capture me and show me, fall in love with you. Go around and choose, make me laugh with a happy ending. I want to be by your side. I want to be by your side. Remember that? Let's exchange secret love words. Please, let every day be stimulating. My sweet darling!

The English Translation of "Dramatic ni Koi Shitai" form "Girlfriend, Girlfriend"

Are you ready to fall in fall in love with me? I wanna let you know when I have a crush on you you! You you you!

A heart-fluttering development is a maiden's wish! Isn't longing enough? Not enough stimulation! No, no! I want to heal the world with the beam of love. I want to be loved and to love.

Vague impulses, I want to meet you! How about you? Catching each other's gazes, predicting the future. Roughly being with you, dreams expand.

The feelings I've hidden jump over, and we're alone with our noisy hearts. You, who are oblivious, still haven't noticed.

I know, what's ahead of your gaze isn't me. Even so, I find myself wishing for a love story with you.

Dramatically, I want to fall in love. Romantically, I want to love. Seriously, capture me and show me, fall in love with you. Go around and choose, make me laugh with a happy ending. There's a scenery I want to see with you. I want to be by your side. Remember that?

Like a hunter! Burn out in a strategy meeting! Arch-enemy, cute girl. (Cute girl) I can't win after all. I have to give up or I'll just get hurt.

I know, I can't be honest. When our eyes meet, even so, I don't want to lie to myself.

I wanna change… I wanna be only, only your heroine. I can! If I don't say it out loud, I do! If I don't put it into words, don't worry, look, I, you are…

"I want to fall in love dramatically."

Dramatically, I want to fall in love. Romantically, I want to love. Seriously, capture me and show me, fall in love with you. Go around and choose, make me laugh with a happy ending. I want to be by your side. I want to be by your side. Remember that? Let's exchange secret love words. Please, let every day be stimulating. My sweet darling!

You you you! A heart-fluttering development is a maiden's wish! Isn't longing enough? Not enough stimulation! No, no! I want to heal the world with the beam of love. I want to be loved and to love.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Japanese Vocabulary with "Dramatic ni Koi Shitai" form "Girlfriend, Girlfriend"

キュンな展開は乙女の願いだ! 憧れじゃだめ? 刺激足りない!ない! 世界を癒す 恋のビーム 愛されたいし愛したいの

A heart-fluttering development is a maiden's wish! Isn't longing enough? Not enough stimulation! No, no! I want to heal the world with the beam of love. I want to be loved and to love.

展開てんかいtenkaidevelopment, expansionnoun
乙女おとめotomemaiden, young girlnoun
憧れるあこがれるakogareruto long for, to admire1 verb
癒やすいやすiyasuto heal1 verb

曖昧な衝動 会いたい!君はどう? 視線をキャッチして 未来予想図 大体君といる 夢が膨らむ

Vague impulses, I want to meet you! How about you? Catching each other's gazes, predicting the future. Roughly being with you, dreams expand.

曖昧あいまいaimaivague, ambiguousna-adj
視線しせんshisengaze, looknoun
予想よそうyosōexpectation, predictionnoun
大体だいたいdaitaiin general, mostlynoun
膨らむふくらむfukuramuto expand, to swell1 verb

隠してた想いがあたし飛び越えて ふたりきりうるさい心臓 鈍感な君はまだ気づかないまま

The feelings I've hidden jump over, and we're alone with our noisy hearts. You, who are oblivious, still haven't noticed.

鈍感どんかんdonkaninsensitive, dullna-adj

Related Word to 鈍感

鈍感どんかんdonkaninsensitive, dullna-adj
鈍いにぶいnubuidull, blunti-adj

分かってる 視線の先はあたしじゃないこと それでも願ってしまう 君とのラブストーリー

I know, what's ahead of your gaze isn't me. Even so, I find myself wishing for a love story with you.


ドラマチックに恋したい ロマンチックに愛したい 本気であたしを攫ってみせて fall in love with you 回り回って選んでね ハッピーエンドで笑わせて 君と見たい景色があるの 君の隣はあたしがいいの 覚えておいて?

Dramatically, I want to fall in love. Romantically, I want to love. Seriously, capture me and show me, fall in love with you. Go around and choose, make me laugh with a happy ending. There's a scenery I want to see with you. I want to be by your side. Remember that?

本気ほんきhonkiserious, earnestnoun
となりtonarinext to, besidenoun

さながらハンター! 作戦会議でburn out! 宿敵キューティーガール (ューティーガール) やっぱり勝てない きっぱり諦めないと傷つくだけと

Dramatically, I want to fall in love. Romantically, I want to love. Seriously, capture me and show me, fall in love with you. Go around and choose, make me laugh with a happy ending. There's a scenery I want to see with you. I want to be by your side. Remember that?

作戦さくせんsakusenstrategy, plannoun
会議かいぎkaigimeeting, conferencenoun
諦めるあきらめるakirameruto give up, to resign2 verb
きずkizuwound, injurynoun

わかってる 素直になれない 君と目が合うと それでも自分に嘘はつきたくないから

I know, I can't be honest. When our eyes meet, even so, I don't want to lie to myself.

素直すなおsunaohonest, obedientna-adj

I wanna change... I wanna be only only your heroine I CAN! 声に出さなきゃ I DO! 言葉にしなきゃ クヨクヨしてないでほら あたし、君が

I wanna change... I wanna be only, only your heroine. I can! If I don't say it out loud, I do! If I don't put it into words, don't worry, look, I, you are...

くよくよくよくよkuyokuyoworrying, broodingadv

ドラマチックに恋したい ロマンチックに愛したい 本気であたしを攫ってみせて fall in love with you 回り回って選んでね ハッピーエンドで笑わせて  君の隣はあたしがいいの 君の隣はあたしがいいの 覚えておいて? 秘密の愛言葉を交わそう 刺激的な毎日でどうぞ My sweet darling!

Dramatically, I want to fall in love. Romantically, I want to love. Seriously, capture me and show me, fall in love with you. Go around and choose, make me laugh with a happy ending. I want to be by your side. I want to be by your side. Remember that? Let's exchange secret love words. Please, let every day be stimulating. My sweet darling!

刺激しげきshigekistimulus, excitementnoun

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