
Learn Japanese N4 and N3 Vocabulary with "Nai Nai" from "Shadows House"

Let's study Japanese with "Nai Nai" from Shadows House. The original manga is interesting too, so be sure to check it out!

A Guide to the Japanese Anime Song "Nai Nai" from "Shadows House"

"Shadows House" is a manga series by Soumatou. It revolves around the mysterious mansion called "Shadows House," where there are faceless aristocrats known as "Shadows" and their attendant "Living Dolls" who serve as their faces. Emilyko, a Living Doll, strives every day to assist her faceless master Kate. While children of the Shadows are forbidden from leaving their rooms, Emilyko builds relationships with other Living Dolls through cleaning sessions and learns many things from Kate, gradually growing. Emilyko's positive brightness begins to change Kate and others she interacts with.

"Nai Nai" was used as the opening theme for the first season of the anime adaptation.

The Japanese Lyrics of "Nai Nai" from "Shadows House"

灰のない深いかげばかり アイのない個体 人形(doll)みたい 自分不在 どこにもいない ないじゃない?
Hai no nai fukai kage bakari Ai no nai kotai Doll mitai Jibun fuzai Doko ni mo inai Nai ja nai?

曖昧なアイ 色の無い眼(eye) 擬態 意外!他人事みたい おかげさま?どちらさま? 答え様々
Aimai na ai Iro no nai me Gitai Igai! Taningoto mitai Okagesama? Dochira sama? Kotae samazama

何者でもないまま 何にもできないまま 生きるのは無駄ですか 悪いことですか
Nanimono demo nai mama Nani mo dekinai mama Ikiru no wa muda desu ka Warui koto desu ka

ここにいない いない いないのは 自分 自分 誰も見ない 見ない 見ないまま 掃き捨ててさようなら
Koko ni inai Inai Inai no wa Jibun Jibun Dare mo minai Minai Minai mama Sute sutete sayonara

嬉しくない 悲しくもない 透明な気分 足りない自分 合わす貌もない 『 』 笑えないじゃない?
Ureshikunai Kanashiku mo nai Tōmei na kibun Tarinai jibun Awasu kao mo nai Waraenai ja nai?

ハイじゃない私(I) 閉じたまま貝 返事"ハイ" 期待だけ大 嫌々投げられた賽 出目は知らない
Hai ja nai watashi (I) Tojita mama kai Henji "hai" Kitai dake dai Iyayaka nagerareta sai Demoku wa shiranai

ここにいたい いたい いたいのも 自分 自分 味はにがい にがい にがいまま 当て所無くさようなら
Koko ni itai Itai Itai no mo Jibun Jibun Aji wa nigai Nigai Nigai mama Atesho naku sayonara

帰らない 行く先もない 迷子の気分 間違えてない? まだ分からない 『 』 どうだっていいじゃない
Kaeranai Ikusaki mo nai Maigo no kibun Machigae tenai? Mada wakaranai "Dō datte ii ja nai"

かげもかたちも いっそなくしてしまえば良い また灰ひとつ ひとつから始めれば良い
Kage mo katachi mo Isso nakushite shimaeba ii Mata hai hitotsu Hitotsu kara hajimereba ii

ここにいない いない いないのは 自分 自分 誰も見ない 見ない 見ないまま 掃き捨ててさようなら
Koko ni inai Inai Inai no wa Jibun Jibun Dare mo minai Minai Minai mama Sute sutete sayonara

嬉しくない 悲しくもない 透明な気分 足りない自分 合わす貌もない 『 』 ない ないままで ここにいたい 『いたい』 笑いたいじゃない?
Ureshikunai Kanashiku mo nai Tōmei na kibun Tarinai jibun Awasu kao mo nai Nai Nai mama de Koko ni itai "Itai" Waraitai ja nai?

The English Translation of "Nai Nai" from "Shadows House"

Only deep shadows without ash, individuals without eyes, like dolls, absent from themselves, nowhere to be found.
Is it not there?

Ambiguous eyes, eyes without color, camouflage, surprisingly! It feels like someone else's problem. Thanks? To whom? Various answers.

Remaining as nobody, unable to do anything, is it useless to live? Is it wrong?

Not here, not here, not here is myself, myself, unseen by anyone, without being seen, swept away, goodbye.

Not happy, not sad, feeling transparent, insufficient myself, without a fitting facade, unable to smile, isn't it?

Yes, it's not me, closed like a shell, "Yes" for an answer, only expectations are great, reluctantly thrown dice, don't know the outcome.

Want to stay here, want to, want to, also myself, myself, the taste is bitter, bitter, bitter, without a proper place, goodbye.

Not returning, nowhere to go, feeling lost, not wrong? Still don't know, doesn't matter, does it?

Shadows and shapes, it would be better to lose them altogether, start anew from each piece of ash.

Not here, not here, not here is myself, myself, unseen by anyone, without being seen, swept away, goodbye.

Not happy, not sad, feeling transparent, insufficient myself, without a fitting facade, not there, not there, wanting to stay here, "want to," don't I want to laugh?

A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning Japanese N4 and N3 Vocabulary with "Nai Nai" from "Shadows House"

灰のない深いかげばかり アイのない個体 人形(doll)みたい 自分不在 どこにもいない ないじゃない?

Only deep shadows without ash, individuals without eyes, like dolls, absent from themselves, nowhere to be found. Is it not there?

はいhaiash, ashesnoun
人形にんぎょうningyōdoll, puppetnoun
自分じぶんjibunoneself, selfnoun

Related Word to 灰

はいいろhaiiroashen, grayna-adj

Related Word to 深い


曖昧なアイ 色の無い眼(eye) 擬態 意外!他人事みたい おかげさま?どちらさま? 答え様々

Ambiguous eyes, eyes without color, camouflage, surprisingly! It feels like someone else's problem. Thanks? To whom? Various answers.

曖昧あいまいaimaivague, ambiguousna-adj
意外いがいigaiunexpected, surprisingna-adj
答えこたえkotaeanswer, solutionnoun

Related Word to 意外

意外いがいigaiunexpected, surprisingna-adj
以外いがいigaiother than, except forexp

何者でもないまま 何にもできないまま 生きるのは無駄ですか 悪いことですか

Remaining as nobody, unable to do anything, is it useless to live? Is it wrong?

生きるいきるikiruto live, to exist2 verb
無駄むだmudawaste, pointlessna-adj
悪いわるいwaruibad, wrongi-adj

ここにいない いない いないのは 自分 自分 誰も見ない 見ない 見ないまま 掃き捨ててさようなら

Not here, not here, not here is myself, myself, unseen by anyone, without being seen, swept away, goodbye.

見るみるmiruto see, to watch2 verb
掃き捨てるすきすてるsukisuteruto sweep away, to throw away2 verb

Related Word to 掃き捨てる

掃き捨てるはきすてるhakisuteruto sweep away, to throw away2 verb
掃くはくhakuto sweep1 verb
吐くはくhakuto vomit, to throw up1 verb
掃除そうじsōjicleaning, to cleannoun
捨てるすてるsuteruto throw away2 verb
拾うひろうhirouto pick up1 verb

嬉しくない 悲しくもない 透明な気分 足りない自分 合わす貌もない 『 』 笑えないじゃない?

Not happy, not sad, feeling transparent, insufficient myself, without a fitting facade, unable to smile, isn't it?

嬉しいうれしいureshiihappy, gladi-adj
透明とうめいtōmeitransparent, clearna-adj
気分きぶんkibunmood, feelingnoun
足りるたりるtariruto be sufficient, to be enough2 verb
笑うわらうwarauto laugh, to smile1 verb

ハイじゃない私(I) 閉じたまま貝 返事"ハイ" 期待だけ大 嫌々投げられた賽 出目は知らない

Yes, it's not me, closed like a shell, "Yes" for an answer, only expectations are great, reluctantly thrown dice, don't know the outcome.

閉じるとじるtojiruto close, to shut2 verb
かいkaishell, shellfishnoun
返事へんじhenjireply, responsenoun
期待きたいkitaiexpectation, anticipationnoun
いやiyadislike, hatredna-adj
投げるなげるnageruto throw, to cast2 verb

Related Word to 閉じる

閉じるとじるtojiruto close, to shut2 verb
開くあくakuto open1 verb
d Word to

ここにいたい いたい いたいのも 自分 自分 味はにがい にがい にがいまま 当て所無くさようなら

Want to stay here, want to, want to, also myself, myself, the taste is bitter, bitter, bitter, without a proper place, goodbye.

あじあじajiflavor, tastenoun

帰らない 行く先もない 迷子の気分 間違えてない? まだ分からない 『 』 どうだっていいじゃない

Not returning, nowhere to go, feeling lost, not wrong? Still don't know, doesn't matter, does it?

帰るかえるkaeruto return, to go home2 verb
迷子まいごmaigolost childnoun
間違えるまちがえるmachigaeruto make a mistake, to be wrong2 verb

かげもかたちも いっそなくしてしまえば良い また灰ひとつ ひとつから始めれば良い

Shadows and shapes, it would be better to lose them altogether, start anew from each piece of ash.

かたちkatachiform, shapenoun

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